OAuth Client Registration

To initiate the process of OAuth authentication, you must first register a Client.

Provide registration data about your client. The registration data is categorised into the following types:

  • Human-readable information
  • Pleo specific information
  • Technical information

Registration Data

Human-Readable Information

Human-readable information represents the following to the end-users:

  • Branding of the client
  • Link to the home page of the application or a page announcing the integration of the application with Pleo
  • Legal Policy documentation


Do not use Pleo branding

In human-readable information, do not mention Pleo's name and branding. Also, instead of naming the application branding as a client of Pleo (Example Client for Pleo), just use Example Client.

The following table lists the human-readable parameters required for registering a client:

Client NameA brand name of your application.
Client URIA link to the home page of your application or a landing page announcing the integration of your application with Pleo.
LogoAn image representing the logo of your application. Square images (1:1 aspect ratio) in high resolution work best.
Terms of ServiceLink to human-readable legal document describing contractual relationship between the end-user and the client, which is accepted by the end-user during authorisation of the client.
Privacy PolicyLink to human-readable legal document that describes how the deployment organisation collects, uses, retains, and discloses personal data of end-users.
ContactsContact information of people responsible for this client, typically email addresses.

Pleo Specific Information

The following table lists the parameters that are specific to integration of your client with Pleo:

Initiation URIA link to a page on which the end user can start the process of connecting your application with Pleo. This allows your client to be listed in the catalogue of applications integrated with Pleo.
Settings URIA link to a page hosting the user interface to changing preferences of your application. Allows to link to the configuration page of your application directly from within Pleo product applications.

Technical Information

Technical information is used internally in OAuth protocol to implement the redirection between the Pleo authentication server and the client.

Redirect URIsA list of URIs implementing the OAuth redirection endpoint. For more information, see Redirect URIs.
ScopesA list of API scopes that a client is allowed to access in Pleo. This is provided to the client when Pleo generates the access tokens.
PKCE SupportBy default, we require all client to implement PKCE extension of OAuth protocol to secure it against certain types of attacks. However, if this requirement cannot be met for technical reasons, we allow exceptions from this requirement for certain clients on an individual basis.
If your client doesn’t support PKCE (RFC 7636 ), you must request to mark it as not supporting PKCE when registering your client.
Subject Type Preference(Optional, Pleo-specific) The default type of resources your application is capable of working with.

Client Credentials

After completing registration, you would receive a set of credentials for your client:

  • Client Identifier: This is a unique identifier that makes your client easily identifiable from others. In addition, it allows Pleo to present the branding of your client to end-users when they are asked to authenticate their identity while trying to access the Pleo data. Client identifier is not a confidential information and is visible to anyone attempting to connect your client with Pleo using OAuth.
  • Client Secret: Requests from the client are authenticated using the Client Secret, most notably, during access token request. As the name suggests, this information is confidential and you must store this securely.
    • Client secret must never be stored on or exposed to a device to which the end user has direct access. For example, it cannot be embedded in the code of the application that runs on users’ devices or transferred over network to a user's device.
    • Client secret may only be stored and used on a secured server component of your client from where it cannot be extracted easily.


Note: These credentials are confidential and must be implemented in such a way that it is impossible for any end user of your client or any unauthorised party to extract the information.

The Pleo OAuth Authorisation Server does not support any public client that cannot protect the confidentiality of the authentication credentials.

Client Registration Example

A hypothetical client can be registered using the following parameters:

Client Name“Example Client”
Client URIhttps://client.example/
Terms of Servicehttps://client.example/legal/tos.html
Privacy Policyhttps://client.example/legal/privacy.pdf
Contacts[email protected]
Redirect URIshttps://client.example/callback
Scopestest:test users:read users:write
PKCE SupportSupported
Subject Type PreferenceNone

After registration, partners receives a set of client credentials.

Client identifier36e3b610-56d7-4d36-92c7-a003ca7bfc5f
Client secret70771f3cbf472ba916aefd21be9c7a

These values are used in the Example section of Implementing the OAuth client from scratch document.

Redirect URIs

Redirect URI indicates the location where the users are redirected after successful authentication. Hence, in the context of Pleo integration with your client, after the Pleo Authorisation Server authenticates your client, the users are redirected to the specific URI.

HTTP redirections are crucial in OAuth protocol flow using authorisation code grant.

The client must implement a redirection endpoint, also known as “OAuth callback”. This endpoint must be secured by Transport Layer Security (TLS) and must be hosted on a public domain (hence, accessible to all users on the internet). When registering your client, you must provide this redirection URL in the technical information.

HTTP is allowed for local development

Use of HTTPS is often inconvenient in local development environment. Therefore, there is an exception for "loopback" or "localhost" redirect URIs, which can use the unencrypted HTTP protocol. Specifically, these hosts can use http scheme in redirect URIs:

  • localhost loopback interface
  • IPv4 loopback interface, recommended
  • [::1] IPv6 loopback interface

Only exact localhost host name is supported. Aliases such as myclient.localhost or myclient.local would not be accepted.

💡 Note When deploying your client in the production environment, use of HTTPS is mandatory.

Multiple Redirect URIs

If you intend to support multiple URLs for redirection endpoints, you must provided as a list of registered redirect URIs.

Often, a client allocates resources of their customers in subdomains (or sub-paths). For example: an application might host Alice’s resources at alice.client.example, Bob’s resources at bob.client.example. Some early implementations of OAuth offered this functionality, but later it is diagnosed to be vulnerable to a certain class of attacks on the OAuth protocol.


Wildcard redirect URIs are not supported

To comply with best security practices, Pleo authorisation server does not offer any support for wildcards in redirect URIs.

If your client uses wildcards, we recommended using the state parameter to save the location your users must be redirected to after completing the OAuth flow. In this way, a single redirect endpoint can dispatch users’ browsers to different destinations.

Testing OAuth Using Graphical User Interface (GUI) Applications

During development, it is often beneficial to test the OAuth flow, before setting up the client in the production environment. There are a number of popular HTTP GUI applications that offer support to test the OAuth authorisation.


Note: Register redirect URIs of your GUI application - if you intend to use a HTTP GUI application for testing the OAuth flow and debugging Pleo API calls, ensure that you include the redirect URIs (supported by the GUI applications) in a list of registered redirect URIs for your client.

We recommend using Postman how to configure and use Postman to test OAuth and Pleo APIs.