Accounts API Overview


Disclaimer: This API is in the early access stage and is now available to select pilot partners.


The Accounts API enables you to manage the chart of accounts recorded in Pleo.

What is an Account?

An account represents a type of account in the chart of accounts; the chart of accounts is the customer's index of all financial accounts maintained in an ERP/accounting system. Hence, an account enables a customer to accurately bookkeep their accounting entries in the correct account in their ERP/accounting system.

How is an Account Associated with a Category?

A category explains the purpose for which an expense has been incurred. For example, a hotel accommodation is booked for a company event using the Pleo card; hence, the category Travel > Accommodation (Hotel, Airbnb) category is assigned to this expense.

For the purpose of bookkeeping, categories are mapped with an account in the chart of accounts. Assignment of categories help in allocating the expense to the correct account in the ERP/accounting system.


Note: The “source of truth” for accounts lies within the target system, with Pleo just storing a cached version of the entity.

Account Management

The Accounts API allows you to perform various operations on accounts, such as creating, retrieving, updating, and deleting accounts. Each account is identified by a unique accountId.

  • An account exists in the external ERP/accounting system, but not in Pleo: the integration sends a request to the POST Create a new account endpoint to create the corresponding record in Pleo.
  • Details of an account has been updated in the ERP/accounting system: the integration sends a request to the PUT Update an account endpoint to modify the details. Also, when an account is linked with accounting entries, it cannot be deleted. It can only be archived through this endpoint.
  • Search for a specific account by its account ID: the integration must send a request to the GET Retrieves an account in Pleo by its ID endpoint.
  • An account exists in Pleo, but not in the external ERP/accounting system: the integration sends a request to the DELETE Delete an account endpoint.


    Note: Ensure that when an account is linked to expenses and the accounting entries have been exported to the ERP/accounting system, the account cannot be deleted in Pleo. It must be archived, using the PUT Update an account endpoint.

  • Apply specific filters to retrieve a list of matching accounts: the integration sends a request to the POST Fetch a list of accounts endpoint.

Rate Limits

The APIs have a rate limit of 600 requests per minute.