Deprecation and Migration Information


NOTICE: This API is deprecated

As part of our ongoing efforts to improve and innovate our product offerings, we have decided to deprecate a number of API endpoints from Pleo’s API (now referred to collectively as the Legacy API). The legacy methods will be replaced by new methods over the coming months. The Legacy API will be fully retired in Q1 2025, exact date pending.

We understand that this change may impact your current workflow, and we want to assure you that we are committed to providing the support you need during this transition. Here are the key details and dates to keep in mind:

  • Deprecation Date: Effective immediately, the Legacy API is considered deprecated. This means that while the API will remain operational until the end-of-life date, no new features will be added, and only critical security updates and bug fixes will be provided.
  • End-of-Life Date: The exact date is still being determined but by sometime in Q1 2025, the Pleo API will be completely unavailable.
  • Migration Support: We are dedicated to helping you migrate to the new API. Over the next few months, we will be providing documentation, support, and tools to facilitate your transition. Further information on the migration path for each use case is provided below.
  • Action Required: If you are currently using the Legacy API, we recommend beginning the process of migrating your systems as soon as possible. Please review any integrations or applications that depend on the Legacy API and plan accordingly.

Migration Plans

If your implementation of the Pleo API is for any of the following use cases, find more information about how these functions will be supported going forward.

Accounting Export

DescriptionLegacy APINew APIAvailability
Exporting accounting data from Pleo into your accounting or ERP system, including tax codes and receipts.Expense API
Tax Codes API
Receipt API
Export APIEarly Access
Syncing cost centers/dimensions between Pleo and the ERP systemLegacy Tag Groups APITag Group API (NEW)Early Access
Setup of accounts and taxesLegacy Accounts API
Legacy Tax Codes API
Accounts API (NEW)
Tax Codes API (NEW)
Q2 2024

User Management

DescriptionLegacy APINew APIAvailability
Add, update or delete an employeeEmployee APISCIM APIQ2 2024
Teams and review structureLegacy Teams APITeams API (NEW)Q2 2024

Project Management

DescriptionLegacy APINew APIAvailability
Synchronise expenses with your project management softwareExpense APIAccounting Entries API or extended Export APIQ2 2024
Synchronise Pleo Tags with cost centersLegacy Tag Groups APITag Groups API (NEW)Early Access

Wallet Balance

DescriptionLegacy APINew APIAvailability
Get the wallet balance for accountCompany Balance APINot Yet PlannedTBD

If you are customer, please direct any questions to your support contact. If you are a partner, you can email [email protected].