
Tags imply cost centres. So when you assign tags to an accounting entry, it helps in allocating the correct cost centre to an accounting entry. For example, an expense of the Flight category is recorded in Pleo. This specific accounting entry is assigned the Business Trip tag. Assignment of tags helps in assessment of cost incurred for specific reasons.

A few important characteristics of Tags:

  • A Tag Group is like a collection of tags. For example, a tag group is a Department and it includes Sales, Marketing, and IT. Each individual value is a tag; hence, Sales, Marketing, or IT is a tag indicating a specific department.
    • Tag Group = Dimension Group
    • Tag = Dimension value
      Hence, each tag is like adding a dimension to the Tag Group/Dimension Group. And the display order of the dimension values are indicated by the number assigned to each dimension value.
  • Each tag group and tag have specific IDs assigned to them in Pleo for easy identification.
  • You can either create new tags in Pleo or you can import tags from the ERP/accounting system that you have integrated with. In addition, you can also import tags from an excel spreadsheet, enabling customers to track the types and volumes of expenses recorded in Pleo based on the tags assignment.
  • You can assign a maximum of five tags to an accounting entry. An accounting entry might have tags related to projects, office locations, internal company structure.
  • A user can only see non-archived tag groups.

Tag Groups Object

archivedbooleanThe tag group is no longer used.
codestringExternal identifier of the Tag group / Dimension used for mapping to accounting system
companyIDstringUnique identifier of the company the Tag Group belongs to
createdAtstringCreation date and time.

Example: 2023-08-23T03:11:48.000Z
idstringUnique identifier of Tag Group (generated on creation)
metadatastringPlace for API users to store flexible data.

namestringProjects User readable name of Tag Group
updatedAtstringDate and time of the last update.

Example: 2023-08-23T03:11:48.000Z

Tags Object

archivedbooleanThis Tag is no longer used
codestringExternal identifier of the Tag
createdAtstringCreation date and time.

Example: 2023-08-23T03:11:48.000Z
groupIdstringUnique identifier of the Tag Group this Tag belongs to
namestringUser readable name that is used for the possible value within a tag group on an expense

Example: lunch allowance
updatedAtstringDate and time of the last update

Example: 2023-08-23T03:11:48.000Z